Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Tag ... This is from Jill G.

She thought this one would be fun for her posterity! Here are the rules: Write 7 random things about yourself.Tag 7 people at the end of your post. Pass on the tag....... I know most people don’t like tags at least I don’t. Mainly because I have to think but since I love the "G" people, I'll do it. I don’t know if I have seven interesting things about me. But here it goes... 1. In my twenties I worked for PG&E for 4 years. I was a lineman and climbed telephone poles and worked high in the air. I have climbed free hand 90 to a 100 feet in the air. I also worked on the metal tower line that parallels Interstate 5 from Lost hills to Kettleman City. I had to climb up those towers 4 or 5 times per day for 2 years. For years my forearms we like rock hard. 2. When I was about 2 years old, the story was I was climbing into a car with a loaded gun lying in the front seat. I accidentally pulled the trigger and shot myself through both knees a 22 caliber rifle. Yeah right. The doctors didn’t think I would ever walk again. I guess they were wrong. My feeling is I was so obnoxious someone just shot me. 3. I really like old time movies, especially wiht happy endings. I know kind of sappy. Sad ones often make me cry. It seems the older I get the more sentimental I get. (Big Wuss) 4. My favorite song in the whole world is “My Heavenly Father Loves me”. I want it sung at my funeral. I sing it all the time. I don’t have a very good voice, but I have thought about recording it for my posterity. Not because it would be some notable feat, but rather that my grandchildren could know that Papa Randy had a testimony. I know kinda stupid, but hey that’s who I am. 5. When I joined the church in 1975, my biggest concern was I was deathly afraid to pray or speak in church. I told my bishop I’ll join the church, but you got to promise me I won’t have to pray or speak in church. He told me as long as he was my bishop I wouldn’t have too. He was released 3 weeks after I joined the church. I still love you Bishop Scott. 6. My senior year in high school the last day of the baseball season I broke my wrist. My arm was in a sling and I was on pain medication, and it was the night of the Spring Fling Dance. Before I went to pick up my date and I went to get gas. A guy asked me for a ride and I said sure. He got in the car and pulled on gun on me and made me have a drink with him. He was slightly drunk and just a little crazy. He eventually got out of the car I went back home and told my dad and he called the police. They caught him an hour later at big party and he was in an argument and had pulled his gun to shoot someone. No one was shot and the dude was arrested. Needless to say, I don't pick up hitch hikers anymore!! 7. One of my favorite authors is Sterling W. Sill. I have collected 13 of his books. All of which are out of print. My 7 tags are: Eric A. , Tam, Aimee, Alison M., Cherie, Jeremy, and Amanda.


Eliza said...

Yikes Randy you've had some scarry close calls. I never heard about the hitch hiker before. Thanks for sharing

Mandee said...

I loved reading about you! And you should DEFINITELY record that song for your grandchildren. What a great idea. Do it!