Monday, October 13, 2008

I’ll pay you for a comment!!!

CONTEST FOR A $10 or $20 TARGET GIFT CARD Just for fun I thought I would have a contest for a $10 (maybe a $20) target gift card and try to set a record for comments on my blog. So tell everyone you know to guess. NEW WRINKLE - If You refer a person to my blog that has never been before, and they leave a comment (they must say I was referred by & mention your name) You get another guess. ONE ADDITIONAL GUESS PER REFERRAL Here’s the deal. Somewhere in March of this year, I started saving my change. I rarely give the proper change during a purchase and usually just give paper money to pay for things. I always throw my loose change in an empty jar. At the time of this writing, the jar weighs approximately 19 pounds and is almost full. I may have to get another jar before the contest ends. I have no clue how much is in there and neither does anyone else. I am going to continue to throw my change in the jar through November 30th. I am no respecter of coins, and throw all coins in there, pennies included. RULES - GUESS THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $$$ IN THE JAR. Each person can guess twice, but ONE GUESS per “comment”, remember I want to set a record. All members of your household can guess. Be Honest. Remember I have 7 children, a lot of nieces and nephews, 11 grandchildren with one on the way, and they all get to guess. The closest guess under or over the correct amount wins. In the event of a tie, the earliest guess wins. Contest ends Sunday November 30, 2008. During the first week of December, after we return from our trip, I will take my change jar down to a bank and have it “counted”. The amount will be reported on my blog and the winner announced. If I get over 100 comments, the amount of the gift card goes to $20. Please no more questions, I am from Wasco it makes my head hurt. Good luck.


Mandee said...

Okay so I have some quesions-

1. Who is pregnant?

2. Are we guessing how much or how many coins!

3. Did you know I will do almost anything for Target money?

Mandee said...

I think I should win something for being the first to comment. And for leaving two of them... so far.

Jocelyn said...

This is genius. There are way too many variables for me to guess yet. I need to know the final weight. We will talk about this tomorrow for sure.

Afidavid said...

What happen to the nuts in the jar.

Papa Randy said...

I ate em!!!

Anderson Family said...

ok first to actually guess... do I get something for that?

Here is a very scientific guess
$201.40, that is if it is really 19 pounds.

penny standard weight = 2.5 g
nickel standard weight = 5.0 g
dime standard weight = 2.268 g
quarter standard weight = 5.67 g
Half Dollar Standard Weight = 11.34g

By the way I believe a penny is worth more by weight then 1 penny. Maybe you have enough to give the government a loan now?

David and Amanda said...

David: $263.48

David and Amanda said...

David: $294.17

David and Amanda said...

Amanda: $302.99

David and Amanda said...

Amanda $217.30

David and Amanda said...

Braxton: $254.54

David and Amanda said...

Braxton: $233.33

David and Amanda said...

Brinkley: $177.87

David and Amanda said...

Brinkley: $255.89

David and Amanda said...

Do pets count? At least one vote?

Jill said...


Mrs. Schmalison said...

Those are pretty high guesses Im gonna say 87.00

Eliza said...

Jake says, "did you know you could pay for quality Life Insurance with your spare change?" (too much TV)

Tam said...

so anyone gets to play not just family right?!

So I'm going to guess $261.33

I almost feel like the price is right sneaking under one of David's amounts. :)

Tam said...

I'm with Mandee by the way. I will do almost anything for Target money.

Come on Sadie needs a new pair of shoes! :)

This is going to be fun.
Great idea!

Eliza said...

$142.17 Eliza

I also would like to know who is pregnant... I know it's not me :O

Eliza said...

$312.64 Eliza :)

Eliza said...

$ 200 Riley

Eliza said...

$ 300 Riley

Eliza said...

$ 220 Jake

Eliza said...

$ 335.00 Morgan

Eliza said...

$ 312.99 Morgan

Eliza said...

$ 350.00 Jake

Shaun and Aimee said...

I say $319.02

Shaun and Aimee said...

Cooper says $2, cause he's 2 tomorrow!

Shaun and Aimee said...

My second guess is $298.71

Shaun and Aimee said...

Cooper also guesses 278.51

Shaun and Aimee said...

The official announcement will come when I am safely in my 2nd trimester (in two weeks). So for now, we are not saying who is pregnant!

Tam said...

Steve's guess 199.99

Anderson Family said...

1 dollar Bob...

Abby said...

This is kinda fun!
I guess 212.78
I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Mandee - I'd do almost anything for a Target Card!

I am going to guess $178.57, then again by November 30th the new jar might be 1/2 full. I am going to keep my 2nd guess for closer to the deadline!

The Fam will make guesses when they are home.

David and Amanda said...

Look dad, you have 37 38!I can't keep up!

Tam said...

I'm so glad I got to participate in this. I was able to find a family friend from my home town in Etna, CA (Oregon Border).
Just thought I'd give you an extra post and let you know.

Tam said...

Sadie's guess $187.63

Carla said...

$112.72 and I hold the world record for obsession with Target.

Tam said...

so have we made a list yet with all the guesses? I'd hate to swoop in under someone. Although I'm sure I already have. :)

Papa Randy said...

So far the guesses range from $1 to $350.

Prahm Page said...

My guess - $305

This is Aimee's friend and colleague from Texas..yee ha!!
Happy Birthday Coop!

Unknown said...

Hey Clements,
This is like finding $20 in your coat pocket after a long summer, only better. I can't believe how much your family has grown. It's so cool to see the pictures of all of you. Tell everyone hi for me.
Sue Coulter (Phelps)

Unknown said...

I guess $213.18

Mandee said...

Here is my 3rd comment- I am saving my guess for November 30th.

Karrie said...

Kacy says $20.00

Karrie said...

Kacy's second guess is 200.00

Tam said...

Sadie's Second Guess $221.28

Shaun and Aimee said...

So our unborn baby gets two guesses. The docs say 80% it's a girl. So lil maggie jane guesses 268.93

Shaun and Aimee said...

For her second guess maggie takes 342.20.

Shaun and Aimee said...


Shaun and Aimee said...


Tam said...

My final guess is going to $303.59.

Jocelyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jocelyn said...

For my second guess $297.14

Jocelyn said...

I'm gonna throw caution in the wind and just start guessing!

For my first guess $313.74

Jocelyn said...

Nathan wants his first guess to be...$302.00

Jocelyn said...

Nathan's second guess....$33.00

Lisa Miller said...

Lisa: $201.49

Lisa Miller said...

Lisa: $176.23

Rinez said...

Okay, I want a gift card! I'm guessing $314.02! You are so creative!

David and Amanda said...

I would just like to say that I hope you get to 100...I really want a bigger gift card when I win!

MegiJones said...


Mrs. Schmalison said...

Ok, my first guess was mine here are the rest.
Alison - 167.32

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Patrick - 154.45

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Patrick - 186.95

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Elena - 198.50

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Elena - 65.99

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Jesus - 142.53

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Jesus - 201.00

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Oh and I really want you to get to a hundred comments so I am going to comment a couple more times and maybe you will just forget the guessing game and just give a poor girl a gift card!!!!!

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Oh and can I guess for my Mom and Dad and my invisible friend? Cause if I cant well then I guess Im done.

Jill said...

This is from Andee ...first choice 423.15

Jill said...

Andee second choice ...398.57

Jill said...

Gracie 1st - 328.95

Jill said...

Gracie 2nd - 416.52

Jill said...

Lucy 1st - 299.46

Jill said...

Lucy 2nd - 173.98

Jill said...

Jill 1st - 256.87

Jill said...

Jill 2nd - 301.26

Jill said...

Neil 1st - 121.80 Because that is the love of my lifes birthday.

Jill said...

Neil 2nd - 419.79 because that is my birthday

Karrie said...

karrie says- 124.25

Karrie said...

Karrie 2 says- 149.33

Karrie said...

Will says "TEN!"

Karrie said...

Will's second guess is "Twelve!"

I think he meant 87.98

Heidi and Rich said...

Randy - you are too funny. I should have gone to the price is right a couple of more times with Amanda so I could have a real strategy. I will have to guess $163.51.

Heidi and Rich said...

As for a second guess - hummmmm... maybe $203.42

SevenStantons said...

$49.75, That's my first guess!

SevenStantons said...


Shaun and Aimee said...

I have earned two more guesses or referring people. So for Lacy P's comment, I'll take 255.05.

Shaun and Aimee said...

And for Michelle Stanton's comment I'll take 234.34.

Shaun and Aimee said...

Wow, dad....that's ninety five!

Mandee said...

Mandee's first guess:


Mandee said...

Mandee's 2nd guess: $99.99

Mandee said...

Aaron's 1st guess: $84.27

Mandee said...

Aaron's 2nd guess: $74.82

Mandee said...

Maxwell's 1st guess: $103.21

Mandee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandee said...

Maxwell's 2nd guess: $115.00

Mandee said...

Charlie's 1st guess: $133.66

Mandee said...

Charlie's 2nd guess: $94.44

Mandee said...

Jack's 1st guess: $193.00

Mandee said...

Jack's 2nd guess: $128.39

Mandee said...

You're up to 106 comments (now 107) and I still have 2 kids yet to guess! Yay for Randy and Target gift cards! You are fun!

Jason and Christina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason and Christina said...

Hannah's 2nd guess is $330.87.

Mandee said...

Maddy's 1st guess: $45.00

Mandee said...

Maddy's 2nd guess: $52.00

Mandee said...

Parker's 1st guess: $57.30

Mandee said...

Parker's 2nd guess: $43.50

Amanda said...

I'm going to guess $36.65. But, I'm more curious to know who is having your newest grandchild? Congratulations! :)

Amanda said...

Branden guesses $43.81.

Amanda said...

Shelby guess "sixty-three thirty dollars mommy!"

HA HA. I think that translates to $63.30.

Amanda said...

Jackson guesses "70 monies mom!"

I guess that would be $70.00

And, I still want to know who's expecting! :)

Abby said...

My second guess is $132.71

Anderson Family said...

Dawnelle's first guess 352.45

Anderson Family said...

Dawnelle's second guess 383.11

Anderson Family said...

Bryson's first guess 365.85

Anderson Family said...

Bryson's second guess 328.65

Anderson Family said...

Carley's first guess 311.50

Anderson Family said...

Carley's second guess 374.25

Anderson Family said...

baby #3 first guess 308.03

Anderson Family said...

Baby #3 second guess 297.11

Unknown said...

Ok Randy hope Thanksgiving was fabulous. Are you ready to hand out that gift card? It's a lot of fun to read the comments here. My 2nd guess would be $183.76.

Unknown said...

Ok Randy hope Thanksgiving was fabulous. Are you ready to hand out that gift card? It's a lot of fun to read the comments here. My 2nd guess would be $183.76.

Unknown said...

Ok Randy hope Thanksgiving was fabulous. Are you ready to hand out that gift card? It's a lot of fun to read the comments here. My 2nd guess would be $183.76.

Papa Randy said...

Ok this is Brittany, I couldn't figure out how to post on my name, so I'm doing it on yours! My first guess is $425.86. And my 2nd guess is $399

Hailey Clement said...

Hailey's first gess $351.00

Hailey Clement said...

Hailey's second gess $355.25

Hailey Clement said...

Dallin's first 245.00

His second 300.00

Hailey Clement said...

Ethan's gess 245.00

His second 250.00

Hailey Clement said...

Christina's gess 255.00

Her second 310.00

Hailey Clement said...

Jason's gess 309.00

His second 357.00