Monday, October 20, 2008

I'M So Excited, and I Think I like It!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control but I think I like it. Can you believe it? Guess who is coming to dinner? I'll give you a hint. One amazing TX kid and four incredible AZ kids. Oh yeah and their parents too. Just kidding. We couldn't be more pleased. Well that's not really true. I wish they all could come. But we'll take what we can get.Did I say I'm so excited.


David and Amanda said...

Wish we could come too! :(

Papa Randy said...

So do I !!!!

You know you are invited.

Tam said...

You are truly blessed to be able to have family visit!

Being apart from family is very hard. Cherish it! I know you will.

Eliza said...

how fun!! When is everyone getting there? You will have to take lots of pictures for those of us who can't make it.

Kristen Bozarth said...

Well Randy... I did it... are you happy? :0)