Friday, October 31, 2008

The Truth About Me

I am just blown away. I was recently talking to a colleague of mine and she said she just couldn't be in business with anyone that doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. Who me? Yeah you ! So I decided that many people are really misinformed about me and my religion. So for anyone that really cares about me and is concerned about my eternal welfare let me tell you the TRUTH about me and what I believe. 1. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints- our nick name is Mormon 2. I believe in God the Eternal Father, His son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. Three separate and distinct individuals. I pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ. 3. I know that Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God and HE atoned in the Garden of Eden. By accepting the atonement and repenting, we can be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. For us, to be saved is a process and not an event. We do not have crosses on our churches because the cross is the device that killed the savior. Although we love and appreciate what Christ did in fact die for us, we look to the resurrected Christ for salvation. We try to live our lives as an example of what he wants us to be. We are a living testimony of what Christ taught. 4. I believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adams transgressions. 5. I believe that baptism is essential for exaltation. But infants that die before the age of accountability are not lost nor do they require baptism at birth. To baptize an infant so fresh from God is an offense to God. All children that die before the age of accountability, those that died without the knowledge of the Savior, and those who do not have the mental capacity to make choices can still be saved. All their ordinances can be done vicariously in the temple. 6. I believe Joseph Smith to be a prophet but do not worship him nor does my church. I have deep adoration for him as do I any other prophet. 7. Jesus Christ is at the head of our church as the name implies. I believe that we have a current prophet on the earth today. His name is Thomas S. Monson and he leads and guides our church. 8. I believe that Thomas S. Monson receives revelation from God and that the Heavens are not closed to mankind. 9. I believe that the priesthood is on the earth today and I happen to hold that priesthood. All the keys of that priesthood are held by the prophet of the church and the first presidency of the church and the quorum off the twelve apostles. 10. I love the bible and believe the bible to be the word of God and I have read it cover to cover many times. I also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God and I know that the Book of Mormon testifies that Jesus is the Christ and is the Son of God.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Randy!!

by the way - LOVED your get up last night!!

Jocelyn said...

colleague.....isn't that someone who has close to an equal intelligence as you??? hmm....I think not.

I'd change her title to acquaintance.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

Thanks - what an uplifting & strengthening post.

Rinez said...

There'a no doubt where you stand. Good for you! Thanks for helping my testimony.