Thursday, October 30, 2008

What a Great Time

Well as usual I am writing about my family and I know it’s a pretty long post. So if you have ADD, just move on and know I adore my family. What did you expect? My dad got remarried this last weekend and two of my children came into town for the event, Jason’s family and Aimee and Cooper. Boy there was sure a lot of hugging and tickling going on. Congratulations to my dad and his new bride Eva we love you both very much. The wedding was very nice and best of all we got to see aunts, uncles, cousins, and great friends. It’s like we crammed a lot of living into a very short time. We went to the wedding, celebrated a birthday. birthday girl had breakfast in bed, birthday girl gets make up, played at the park, made some alcohol backpacking stoves, made a sonic run, watched the backyardigans, made homemade pizza,took a nap, watched “the sandlot”, Dallin’s favorite movie of all time, visitedd family, went shopping, had an awesome Sunday dinner with a very full table, celebrated a birthday, played hid-n-go- seek with flashlights, one of our family traditions, played games, and just hung out. Got up early and stayed up late. Anita and I are co-nursery leaders and two of our grandchildren hung out with us at church. Way cool! Best of all we laughed, loved, and had a wonderful time just being together. The time went by way too fast. Sitting around the table talking, and playing games was so much fun. I just can’t wait for the next gathering. Parting was such sweet sorrow. I really miss my children and grand children and absolutely hate the fact that most of them live so far away. I am so glad that our baby still lives with us and we get to see her often. Can you imagine going to the next life and not having your family? Now that is a good definition of what hell is going to be like and motivation to live a CHRIST-like life. Family is everything like the FAMILY PROCLAMATION says. Here are a few pictures and I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them. As usual Having joy in our posterity


Eliza said...

Looks like a lot of fun. We really wish we could have been there. As far as families go, ours is pretty AWESOME!!! JERM

Heidi and Rich said...

So fun - I love that you got so much packed into a weekend. Congrats to your dad. Oh - how my boys would love it if you were their nursery leaders. Thanks for sharing the fun times.

Rinez said...

You always say the exact things I would say about family. All of our grandchildren are 2hours or more away which means our children are, too. Ugh! We,too,anxiously await the day when we won't have to be separated ever again. That truly will be celestial.

HappyOrtons said...

Randy, We love your blog posts. We admire your family very much and see them as an example for what we want to have in these hard times. Thank you for your great example. Continue blogging.
The Orton Family :)