Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I am in Mourning

Definitely the end of an era. I don’t know what I will do with my extra time. That's me with the hat. Oh how I will miss the Laker games. Oh the pain of it all. The 30 second advance button for football games. The DVR. No more ESPN. No more ESPN2. Alas poor BYU channel, I knew you well. How will I know what is going on at the Meercat manor? Where is the Hallmark channel and the love will conquer stories? How will I survive? Yes you probably guessed it. We have shut off our Satellite. Oh boy, we are saving $55 a month. I hope it’s worth it. I’ll probably end up doing something worthwhile like genealogy or something like that. I know some of you feel my pain. Please pray for me to endure to the end.

1 comment:

Rach n Adam said...

I honestly think you'll be surprised at how much you won't miss it! When I started school I thought it was going to be horrible not watching the stuff I enjoy...but I don't even miss it! THere's so much else to do! Good luck!