Saturday, November 1, 2008

Food Storage Protection Class!!

After the rain and after the prop 8 stuff, we met at the gun range to practice our shooting abilities. We were doing ok, but then we called in an expert to give us some advice. Yep Trigger Finger Gay came out and WOW can she shoot. I saw her personally wipeout the grass on several shots. Amazing. You'll notice that in the very top picture, that not only can Gay shoot, but her nails are perfectly manicured. All involved had a good time. Notice that Kyle has two guns and his dad only one. But dad’s gun is pointing at Kyle. Please be good Kyle. David, David, and Oscar are preparing for the next home invasion. Robbers beware. Shooting is very fun but the stories get better with each adventure.


Anderson Family said...

Almost worth the drive to Bakersfield to go shooting with you guys. Its funny because I almost with Shooting with Chris Jackson today as well. Setting aside the lack of gun safety skills it looks like a fun bunch!

Tamara Atkin said...

I am constantly surprised when I hear of all the anger, hatred, and voilent acts that are happening because of prop 8. And these people would argue that they are against prop 8 because they are more tolerant and loving people.

Practicing self protection is very smart. My husband and I got our conceal and carry permits last year. Too bad CA makes it so hard to protect yourselves. I carry a cute little kimber 1911 9mm.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

I love the title - Jordan would be right there with you.

Looks like you all had a good time!

Tam said...

Ok next time call Steve and I. We love to go shooting. Steve is really good! I'm ok. It's been a while.
It looks like a lot of fun!

CHERIE said...

After droppin' off Prop 8 door hangers, David ditched me at Perry's to help them move and went to the range. Had I known girls were invited...

Rinez said...

That is hilarious. Thanks for sharing your adventures and your humor.

David and Amanda said...

You're freaking me out Kyle! Looks like fun I guess! Loud fun!

Lisa Miller said...

Love the title of this post.