Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just a Nickel

Yes folks we have a winner. I can’t believe someone got that close. A nickel. Several guesses were very close, but one was within 5 lousy cents. Can you believe it? Just a nickel. I can't wait for the lucy person to go check and find out they won. Who won you ask? Go look and find out for yourself. But I do want to say thank you for all your comments totaling a whoping 136. WOW!! Seven people gave two guesses in one post, or I would have hit over 140. I never dreamed I could get that many. Next year well have to shoot for 200. I am going to start saving my change right now. To see the final tally, just look at the picture of the receipt, then go see who guessed within five cents. That person must have a crystal ball or be physic. TO AVOID CONFUSION The grand total is highest total on the receipt, there was no fee taking out for being a non member.


Rach n Adam said...

Wow! That's a lot of change!

Anderson Family said...

Dawnelle's first guess 352.45
November 29, 2008 3:09 AM

She guessed in the middle of the night when she couldn't sleep... maybe there was a reason!

Shaun and Aimee said...

I want a recount!

Anderson Family said...

If it makes you feel better Aimee I think we will use the card to buy Sunday Shoes for a 5 year old girl who's mother has cancer, and no father in the home. Its our company's sub for Santa project this year.