Sunday, December 28, 2008

Those were the daze.

I was tagged by my daughter in law Eliza. Some don't like tags some do. If you do please enjoy reading, if you don't please enjoy moving on. High School Tag: 1. Did you date someone from your school? Those are the only girls I did date until I went to college. 2. What kind of car did you drive? My first 3 years I only had access to the Nike express. But back in the day, they were just plane old tennis shoes. But my senior year, I had a tomato red, with black primer spots, 1959 Chevy. It had a 327 with 3 on the floor, krager mags and had a righteous stereo. The one with the cat-eye tail lights. You might say it was far out. By today's standards it would be called a hoopty, but it was cool and ran good. I bought it for $200 and drove for a year and sold it for a $100. 3. Were you a party animal? I did like to go to parties, back in the day they were the thing to do. I used to do anything for attention and to make people laugh. My favorite game was passing the life savor using no hands. Sometimes we used a toothpick and sometimes we didn’t. Use your imagination, I did. 4. Were you considered a flirt? Died in the wool, through and through. 5. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? None of the above. 6. What was your most embarrassing moment of high school? I accidentally broke wind during a test and looked quickly and distinctly at the girl next to me. No words were said, but everyone knew I was blaming her. 7. Were you a nerd? No way no how. 8. Were you on any varsity teams? I played 2 years varsity football, 2 years varsity wresting, and 2 years varsity baseball. 9. Did you get suspended/expelled? No way and I never ditched a single class either. College was a very different matter though. 10. Can you still sing the fight song? About half 11. Who were your favorite teachers? Favorites were Mr. Martin for typing, Mr. Parker geography, Mr. Mills P.E. , Mr. Bogess shop, and my Junior English Ms. Winemiller. 12. What was your school's full name? Wasco Union High School 13. School mascot? Tigers and our school colors were orange and black – yuck. I know Halloween high. 14. What was your schools favorite yell? Bang Bang choo choo train, come on tigers do your thang. Only one I can remember 15. Did you go to homecoming, and with whom? Yes I did, I was on the football team so I was my dates escort and I wore my uniform. She was voted home coming queen. I had to give her a congratulatory kiss. I then went to the dance after the football game with her and her name was Gerri. 16. If you could go back and do it again, would you? I loved high school. It was a great time with a lot of great friends and I cherish those memories. But no I don’t want to go back. 17. What do you remember most about graduation? My family had to sit through a long ceremony in the Wasco High Auditorium with no air conditioning. The heat of early June was very hot. My grandmother came form Modesto. I couldn’t wait to go to grad night at Disneyland and celebrate with my friends and girlfriend. 18. Where did you go senior skip day? Drove to the big city of Bakersfield and had a great time at Kern Park doing nothing. It was renamed Heart park some years later. 19. Were you in a club? I was in the “W” club, chess club, Latin Club. 20. Have you gained some weight since then? Yeah buddy. I am twice the man I used to be, well not quite. 21. Who was your prom date? I went to 4 proms; we had winter and spring proms. My dates were Sheri, Lucy and Gerri twice. 21. Are you planning on going to your 10-year reunion? Well I went to that one about 30 years ago. My 40th is this next summer of 2009. Yes to all you mathematicians, I did graduate in 1969. I know what you are thinking, “He looks good for his age”.
22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Remember the talk in conference about good, better and best decisions. Work harder in classes and focus on things that are important, and a less attention to things that aren’t important. Don’t worry so much about what people think. I wanted to ask a lot of girls out but I was afraid of rejection. I say ask if they turn you down it's their loss not yours.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

That was fun to read. I even learned some stuff. Way to go Dad. GOOOO Tigers!
P.S. Since you did not tag anyone, I hereby declare an immunity to tagification.