Saturday, December 20, 2008

What's for Supper?

Jeremy went deer hunting this morning about 2 hours from his house. He and his friend had been there 15 minutes when this little buck walked out into the open. Jeremy said to his friend let's wait for a bigger one. Before he got "one" out of his mouth, he heard Boom. His buddy shot, and the buck ran off. They waited about 20 minutes before going after their prey. Just as they were about to go, another buck came into view and it was even bigger. Boom. Jeremy shot him. They waited about 15 minutes and went after the two deer. They found them both about 30 yards from each other. You may not be able to see cleerly, Jeremy's buck is an 8 pointer. Our family are meatitarians it's a personal choice. So if you are an animal rights activist, please don't bother. By the way in the Old Testament, Adam and Eve were given coats of skins. Where do you think the coats of "skins" came from? Who do think gave the coats of "skins" to Adam and Eve. Enough said, you can draw your own conclusion. Go Jeremy!! The great white hunter!


Anderson Family said...

Congrats to Jeremy! When he wants to come elk hunting up here in Utah let me know!

Karrie said...

Excellent. And point taken about the skins. I was actaully thinking about this as I ran across a blog that was promoting vegetarianism because of the Word of Wisdom. I'm all about praying over matters, but I'm not convinced that the WOW is telling me to be a veggie. (Although, I could stand to follow it better myself...)

Afidavid said...

I only eat animals that are vegetarians does that count.

Tam said...

Congrats to Jeremy! Steve would be SOOOOOO jealous. I better not show him. It's been TOO long since he's been able to go hunting. Although next year he is bound and determined to go home for a weekend and hunt! Gotta love Venison. It's even healthier than beef believe it or not! Just a little fact for ya!

Anyway, Congrats Jeremy!

Eliza said...

Thanks for the invite Eric. That would be fun if we ever make it up there. Although we'd better get an a.t.v. cuz those elk are lots bigger then deer. This one I shot managed to hop a fence and run about 100 yards despite being shot through both lungs. I had to drag his sorry butt back to our land and that was not fun.