Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thy will versus my will

I just have to share a personal story about one of my favorite people in the whole world, my 9 year old grandson Jacob. Many of you know that Jacob has a terrible disease called psoriasis. He can have a break out that covers his whole body including his face and head. Many of the school kids don’t understand and make fun of him. Some won’t come near him even though it’s not contagious and some are quite cruel. A very tough battle to fight when you are only nine. Right now he is having a really bad breakout. The medication is not doing the job, and we could really use your prayers and please include him in your fast. Just the other day some kids were making fun of him and he came home from school very sad. Jeremy asked him what’s the problem? With tears in his eyes he said “dad why do I have to have psoriasis?” “Jake it’s to teach you patience and make you stronger, not everyone can have a bad disease like psoriasis, they just aren’t strong enough, Jeremy replied. “You have to be very strong for Heavenly Father to give you something like psorias”. Jeremy continued, “Jacob if I could, I would take it from you and give to myself. (Jeremy had tears in his eyes when he told me the story. There is no greater pain when your children are hurting and you can't help them). Jacob replied, “You can’t dad, you’re not strong enough.” From the mouths of babes. I sure love this young man, as I do all my children and grandchildren. As usual having joy in my posterity.


Rinez said...

What a precious little boy! And what a wise father! He is teaching true principles which will bless Jacob all of his life. We know so well the pain of watching your child suffer, whether it be with physical ailments, sin, making choices, etc. We will definitely put him in our fasting and prayers.

Mandee said...

Poor Jake. We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

And Jeremy is such a good dad. I sure love him and his little family. They are such good examples to us all.

Stay strong Jake! You are amazing and don't let anyone tell you any different!

Tam said...

Poor Guy! I couldn't imagine. What a sweet spirit. He definitely is strong.

We will definitely keep him in our prayers.

Boyce said...

Wow....who knew that blog surfing would make me cry! What a sweet little boy. Don't you just wish you could make kids be nice to each other? I got teased a lot in elementary school...I remember begging Mom to switch me schools. I'm thankful now she didn't and actually thankful for those experiences...they made me a much stronger man today! What a smart dad he has to teach him so!

David and Amanda said...

That was a sweet story. I just hate to see Jake go through this, but Heavenly Father's got great things in store for him--he's such an awesome kid!!