Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Guess Who’s Going to Dinner?

Guess who’s going to be on that SW plane in a couple of weeks going to see a set of twins? Can you guess? My problem is which one do I kiss and hug first? Decisions Decisions Decisions. Maybe I can make it a tie. We've had these tickets for almost 2 months and the time is just creeping by. I bet time goes faster when I am there. Do you feel my pain?


David and Amanda said...

Those babies are ready for some papa-loving!!! Hurry up will you?!?

Rinez said...

I certainly do feel your pain. What's worse, I feel my own because I'm so envious. There's no doubt that the time will FLY by while you're there! Funny how that works! I know you'll have a spectacular time without my wishing it so, but I do just the same!