Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A new record set @ 10 days and counting

Cooperman has set a record. He's been waking up dry and "Chonies Clean" for 10 days in a row and counting. Yes at my age that is exciting. Not bad for being barely two. I know he looks older, but it's his great genes. I wish I could go 10 days in a row w/o any accidents. Way go my little man. You are magnificent and papa and grammy love the heck out of you. He was doing so good before Christmas but got sick and had a little set back and it makes him so sad when he has accidents...very competitive like his dad. But now he is in the groove. Go Cooper!!!


David and Amanda said...

Way to go Coopie! And P.S. there was way too much personal information about you in this post! **barf!**

momma elms said...

What a wonderful accomplishment! I, as a old mom, find this to be great news and I would shout it from the rooftops, too!