Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The End of an Era

Our family has reached an end of an era. My sweet mother-in-law has left this mortal existence and has been reunited with her dearly departed husband. Monday May 11, 2009, my wife’s mother, Nina Zelphia Richards Jorgenson, past away. My in-laws were instrumental in me joining the church and were great people. Grandma J was very talented, you can tell that by how amazingly talented her children are. She always wanted to please everyone and put others needs above her own. She was always concerned that others had plenty to eat and that everyone was happy. All her daughters are great cooks and love to make everyone happy and are selfless like their mom. The Jorgensons raised a great son and 5 awesome daughters. Sunday dinners at the Jorgensons was quite a big to do. A seven course meal with all the trimmings and buddy everything was scrumptious. I will always remember family dinners, Easter egg hunts, birthdays, picnics at the park, camping at Shaver Lake, Christmas Eve, and family visits. On my birthday shortly after Anita and I were married, my in-laws gave me a very special gift. They gave me a set of scriptures with a card that read, now we have given you two of our most prized possessions. We have given you one of our daughters and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Grandma J's health has been declining over the last 5 years. This last year or so it has even been worse. Several of my children and grandchildren, some sister-in-laws, a brother-in-law will be coming for the funeral. I am excited to see them, I wish it were under different circumstances. Life gets so busy it seems like the only time we get to see family anymore is at weddings and funerals. Grandma J we love you and you will definitely be missed.


Tam said...

Randy, please convey my condolences to Anita and your whole family. If there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to let me know.

David and Amanda said...

That was tender...I'll miss her--what fun memories. Man was Grandma J a looker!!! What a babe!

Andersons said...

Randy and Anita,

I was very sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I wish there were something I could do. I really miss being a part of your life, you have always been great friends.


MegiJones said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I loved reading your post about her. Sounds like an amazing woman.