Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Abraham, Martin, John and Stuart

I was out on my morning walk, just thinking about all kinds of this and that. I was walking down Panorama and went by Foxwood. Foxwood Street is the former street of a great friend that has passed on. Stuart Anderson. A flood of memories came into my mind. Camping trips to Stoney Creek, Yosemite, and Camp Wishon. Ward outings, father and sons outings, trips to Tijuana and the Holiday Bowl. So many memories. One father and sons outing at Britte lake, both our sons were grown, and I was just going up for the evening and driving back that night. After dinner, Stuart had set up a tent, so I went over and we started to talk. We stayed up talking most of the night and about 2 or 3 am, I decide to stay. I'm glad I did. Another memory was a camping trip to Stoney Creek. Our transmission in our van went out the day before we were to leave and had no way to pull our trailer. We were gong to have to cancel our trip. Stuart said no way. I can pull your tent trailer with my motor home, and he did. Once at Camp Wishon, a child had released the brake on his motor home and it started to roll down hill. He ran and dove into the door and stopped the motor home just be fore it hit a tree. I think there are about 7 billion people on this planet and Stuart had talked to 4 billion. Ok that’s an exaggeration, but I am sure he’s talked to at least 2 billion. He never met a stranger. He was so ticklish and loved to laugh. His stories were a little brash, but when he finally got to the punch line he laughed more than I did. I still miss my friend.


Shaun and Aimee said...

What a fun and fitting tribute to Stuart. He was a lovable, funny guy.

Rinez said...

Happy memories. Stuart was definitely a man who loved and life to the fullest!

Anderson Family said...

Thanks for the stories.... Looking forward to be back in town next weekend!